Peacock Feather Wedding Invitations In Every Culture

Peacock Feather Wedding Invitations

Peacock Feather Wedding Invitations | Image Resource :

Wedding invitations can be designed using different types of concepts and themes. There are a number of cultural inspirations that can also be added to the invitations. One of the these that are very popular among people is the peacock feather wedding invitations designs. There are two methods in which the peacock feather is integrated within the wedding invitations; firstly, it is displayed through graphical drawing prints and secondly through actual tangible peacock feather.

The Many Depictions OfPeacock Feather Wedding Invitations


Pictorial representation of the peacock feather provides the wedding invitations with an elegance because peacock represents royalty and pride. The second method is the most common one because people attach real or artificial peacock feathers to the invitation card or package. Peacock feathers do not necessarily have to depict that the wedding is going to follow the peacock theme but it can also be done for either personal reasons or just to incorporate the beauty behind it.

Using artificially printed peacock feathers are more practical because a lot of people are allergic to bird feathers. In this scenario, sending them real peacock feathers would not be a very good idea. More importantly, it is not easy to acquire peacock feather now a days due to the strict wildlife protection rules. Those who acquire real peacock feathers must do it from a legal source who collect peacock feathers only after the shedding has been done. Peacock Feather Wedding Invitations can become a very interesting theme if the invitation has been designed to highlighted and conceptualised specially for this purpose.

Cultural And Traditional Impacts Of Peacock Feather Wedding Invitations


It is believed that having peacock feathers can help in creation of positive energy and improves the economic conditions of the house. However, all these are based on the religious and spiritual believes of the people in India. Symbols that represent good omen in one culture might be a bad sign in another. Peacock feathers were considered to be a sign of bad omen in early eastern Europe.

It is very common for Hindu weddings to have feathers of peacock in the invitations due to religious and spiritual importance. It is a common misconception that peacocks are a bad omen in Islam because several Muslim weddings have also used peacock feathers in their invitation cards. Perceptions can change with time but in India, being the national bird, peacock is an extremely important and integral part of the country.