How to Write React JS Code More Effectively

Developers don’t always find the time to study every line of code while doing code reviews. Not all parts of the code are easily explicable. The primary task of a developer is to check out the various situations where the code might not work.


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The article is meant to give you a deep insight into React JS coding techniques that are used for designing the various components and showing how a react native developer can do it efficiently.

Tips that Hold Good on Using JavaScript Libraries:

Tip #1: Use Prop-Types for Setting the Props in the Components

Prop-types are about committing runtime check of the type of React props and other identical objects. Prop-types can render assistance in checking if the required prop type is being transmitted into a component of your choice or not.

The package is likely to show its warning sign in the browser console if the appropriate prop-type is not conveyed to the component specified.

Tip #2: Use DisplayName for Defining the Component Name

The DisplayName string is utilized for debugging messages. If you have not used DisplayName in the components, you must use it from now on.

If you utilize the React developer tools for debugging your component, then you will identify the other components as you can draw inference from the class or function name that defines it. You may have to rename the React JS components if the names of two components are identical.

Tip #3: Use a Linter to Turn the Code Easier for Reviewing

You may consider applying a linter on the code base if you are concerned about sanity. Linters can help in making the code identical to the ones developed by other fellow developers in the organization. You may expect consistency of the entire code base when you follow a strict protocol.

An expert React JS development company hires a team of developers that possess in-depth knowledge on facets like React bootstrap. By keeping these points in mind, you will learn how to make use of React Hooks and similar other elements besides creating the much-improved React JS code.